Coach Marzil

7 Students

🏆Tier 1 Professional Player - Coaching at AFFORDABLE PRICES 💵. Go from 🧇Iron->Radiant⭐

Are you tired of being hardstuck for ages and not knowing where you're going wrong? Do you tend to believe that you get the worst teammates and that's why you can't rank up? More often than not... it's usually you having an average game. LEARN how to carry the game and destroy your enemies with pure fundamentals. Get the best and the META for playing Valorant, as well as agents of your choice. You will be imparted with knowledge that will allow you to climb the ranks from Iron all the way to Immortal 3. It's only a question of time....

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💵 Budget friendly Valorant crash course

A simple and affordable course that goes over:- 1) Agent of your choice 2) Map of your choice with analysis for the same 3) VOD Review for the same

2 Lessons
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🚩Omniview - VOD Review/ Mechanics Review + Weakness Prognosis + Drills to fix issues

We start with having your game or issues reviewed with recorded games or a live game streamed. Everybody makes mistakes (even the best in the world), and it is very easy to point them out; but I shall help you filter which ones are the most important ones to focus on and which are the smaller ones. It is important to focus on one mistake at a time as pointing out all of them will just lead to confusion. Finally I will provide drills and tactics to help address your mistakes and how to improve

1 Lesson
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🔫 Duelskool- Duelist (your agent choice) guide for *your map*

A live session where I break down the current meta for a duelist of your choice on a map of your choice. Including in-game demonstrations as well as theory crafting, I will cover the most common plays, setups, and tech you can perform for your required agent on the map.

1 Lesson
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🧠 Init innit? - Initiator (your agent choice) guide for *your map*

A live session where I break down the current meta for an initiator of your choice on a map of your choice. Including in-game demonstrations as well as theory crafting, I will cover the most common plays, setups, and tech you can perform for your required agent on the map.

1 Lesson
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☮️ Serene Sentinel - Sentinel (your agent choice) guide for *your map*

A live session where I break down the current meta for a sentinel of your choice on a map of your choice. Including in-game demonstrations as well as theory crafting, I will cover the most common plays, setups, and tech you can perform for your required agent on the map.

1 Lesson
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🎮 ContRollinginthedeep - Controller (your agent choice) guide for *your map*

A live session where I break down the current meta for a duelist of your choice on a map of your choice. Including in-game demonstrations as well as theory crafting, I will cover the most common plays, setups, and tech you can perform for your required agent on the map.

1 Lesson
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🏃‍♂️Basic->intermediate mechanics crash course

Basic mechanics course where we go over the most used mechanics in Valorant. This is for newer players or for players at lower ranks up to Ascendant. Have an idea about what you struggle at? I'll help you find drills to fix them Don't know where you are going wrong and want to know the best practices? I will give you a crash course on the same NOTE:- THIS IS A CRASH COURSE- meaning that we may not be able to go over everything in 1 session but I hope you see the benefits after the first class and seek more. I promise to not be wasting your time either

1 Lesson
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🤯 Big-brain IGL Main - Lessons on how to be an In-game leader

Learn how to lead your team to success. This includes classes about methods to make your calls, when to decide what to call, communication, keywords, volume modulation, Impact and positioning, and some proprietary knowledge about IGL-ing you will not get anywhere else.

1 Lesson
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🗺️Basic gamesense and map breakdown masterclass (Map of your choice)

This lesson helps you understand map philosophies better to make much more informed decisions about how to play and make the most optimal decisions. A one-of-a-kind map breakdown + techniques and methodologies to carry out making decisions in the game to get success. Understand how the pro makes decisions in officials and borrow ideas to shape your own decision-making and map understanding.

1 Lesson
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💬 Confused what you need or just some questions? - Hit me up! FREE

Don't know what you want? 🤔 Want to talk to me and have a better idea of what I offer? 🗣️ Have any BASIC questions you want clarified about the game? 😵 You're in luck! 🍀 I do all of that - no extra charges! And then if you like what you see and what I offer, we can continue on ahead with any lessons 📖 Also, Sometimes we have some questions we want answered but don't want to deal with taking a whole lesson for that. For those of you that value your time, if you have any doubts that you just want to be answered quickly, this lesson is for you Have your doubts clarified and quick tips and insights with this smaller lesson. You don't have to wait around, I will hop by as soon as you want your session, and for any further lessons, you can contact me directly.

1 Lesson
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About Me:

My name is Marzil and I am a Tier 1 Professional player from South Asia! I have 2500+ hrs of coaching with over 400 satisfied students. Hit Radiant over 12 acts and a peak RR of 700 Some of my major accomplishments are listed in:-

We will work on everything that is Valorant. All the way from

  1. VOD Reviews to help you analyze your games - mistakes and things you are doing well both

  2. Agent Specilization lessons which will deepen your understanding of how to best play your agent to maximize success and not let your team down in your role.

  3. Map Breakdowns to understand the most OP positions, spots, plays and decisions/rotations you can make to maximize your impact throughout the game.

  4. Techniques and ways you can learn stuff on your own from other players without needing the help of anybody else. Learn to analyze, review and pick up skills from other players on your own

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