Coach MythicalNZ
MythicalNZ - Single Sessions
If you're someone who loves playing VALORANT but doesn't want to commit to a long-term training plan, single session coaching could be a great option for you. In just a few hours, you'll work one-on-one with me where I will help you identify areas where you can improve your skills and gameplay.
Typical VOD Review however, done Live as opposed to Offline. We will be going over fundamental flaws and discussing different ways of approaching a problem or mistake and finding success out of it. Live Replay Reviews allows me to talk and reply instantaenusly to any question you may ask, while giving me the ability to draw on screen too.
We will go over fundamental flaws and mistakes that you are making as well as putting a stop to any potential mistakes that can snowball or affect you in the future, which will prevent plateaus from happening. I will also teach you how to use your agent of choice effectively with the highest probable outcome for each situation. Notes and Recordings will also be sent so you will be able to learn and apply different concepts long term and at your own pace.
KovaaK's Only: We will sit in call where you will stream to me, you completing the full Benchmark Playlist I have sent. I will give you real time feedback. After completion. I will recommend different Scenarios for you to focus on tailored to your weaknesses.